8th Policy Workshop: The Belgian Energy System towards 2050 - Where are we heading to?Date: November 27, 2014
Venue: Campus Brussel of KU Leuven, Brussels On October 17, 2014, the Federal Planning Bureau presented the fifth edition of its tri-annual long-term energy outlook (available here). The report describes the Belgian energy system and how it could evolve if no additional European or Belgian policy measures are adopted in the future. The publication outlines the evolution of the Belgian energy system up to 2050. Analysing the simulation results allows drawing conclusions about the possible need for additional policies and measures in the light of the European climate and energy framework for 2030 and the low carbon economy by 2050. The publication also focuses on two topical themes that dominate the Belgian energy debate: the generation adequacy of the future Belgian power system and the evolution of the cost of energy in some important Belgian industries. The core messages of the publication will be summarised by the two authors of the report. Three stakeholder representatives will be given the opportunity to challenge the conclusions of the report. There will be ample room for an open discussion with the audience. Program 13:00 Registration & welcome coffee & tea 13:25 Welcome and opening 13:30 Generation adequacy outlook in a bipolar electricity system Danielle Devogelaer (Federal Planning Bureau) 14:15 Energy and competitiveness: evolution of the cost of energy in some Belgian industries Dominique Gusbin (Federal Planning Bureau) 15:00 Coffee break 15:15 Response from discussants Discussant 1: Johan Albrecht (Professor & Energy economist, UGent) Discussant 2: Frank Vandermarliere (Director Energy, Agoria) Discussant 3: Geert Meynckens (Energy expert, INEOS ChlorVinyls) 16:00 General discussion 16:30 Drinks Discussion under Chatham House rule To enable free discussions, the Chatham-House rule applies to this workshop: “When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed”. Registration Attendance to the workshop is free, but registration is required. Please register before November 20 via the BAEE website (here). Venue This policy workshop will take place at KU Leuven, Campus Brussel in the Hermes building (Stormstraat 2 (room 6303) 1000 Brussels). Enter via the main entrance in Hermes 1. Take the elevator to the 4th floor. Leave left to the end of the corridor, where signs will show you the way to the 6th floor in the Hermes 3 building. KU Leuven Campus Brussels is a 10 minute walk from the Brussels Central Station. The BAEE thanks the KU Leuven, Campus Brussel for hosting this workshop. |
KU Leuven, Campus Brussel Hermes building (green building on map above), room 6303 Stormstraat 2 1000 Brussels Quick links - Workshop invitation (pdf) - Registration page |